Hi, my name’s Trung and I’m from One Stop Home and Office Cleaning Burton.
I offer essential home and office cleaning services to meet your requirements and exceed your expectations. A reliable, honest, friendly, value for money service!
I love to do this job because of it’s flexible hours so I can spend some time with my kids and family.
Might I recommend the Mini Deluxe which includes vacuum of all carpets, mop and clean all floors, thoroughly clean bathrooms, toilet and shower areas, wipe down all work services, dust throughout I will even throw in a clean of all interior windows and sills for free! Only until the 31st of August so get in quick!
One Stop Home and Office Cleaning Burton offers you domestic cleans, bond cleans, before and after party, moving cleans and more!
One Stop Home and Office Cleaning Burton is available to service Paralowie and Burton.